
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Self Control (Part 1)

What's wrong with this statement?

"Ever since I became a Christian, I've been able to control my own behavior."

It's kind of obvious.    When we allow Jesus to be Lord of our life, it's anything BUT that.      We no longer sing "I Did It My Way!" - unless we're giving our testimony regarding the disastrous "trail of tears" we lived before we STOPPED "doing it our way".

So when a Christian says they've been able to "control their own behavior", they simply mean that they have stopped doing the things that they knew were destroying them.    

We don't hear that testimony as often as we'd like to, do we?      Yes.    God has worked mightily to deliver many of us from ourselves and our former self destructive lifestyles.     Yet honest Christians still admit their lives resemble Romans 7 - "I don't do what I want to do, and the things I don't want to do, I do."    

So we need answers and we need them badly.  

The missing element in modern Christianity is how we can experience the victorious living of Romans 8 where "the Law Of The Spirit Of Life in Christ Jesus" sets us free from the "law of sin and death".    You can teach on this until you're blue in the face, and many of us will still be in great need.    We do not know how to experience this IN PRACTICE.

What we don't realize is that the modern church has lost much of the Spiritual (mystical) dimmension.    The Romans 7 experience has it all correct, INTELLECTUALLY.     With your mind you love God.    It's your body and human instincts that are giving you fits!     Notice, too, that Apollos had the teaching concerning Jesus correct.    But he did NOT understand the baptism in the Holy Spirit - the mystical side of our faith was foreign to him.    So, too, with most modern Christians - even tongue speaking Pentacostals.

Ephesians tells us that we have "every spiritual blessing" IN JESUS.    If you read through Ephesians, and just notice all the beautiful things we have "IN HIM", it is tremendous.    

First we must confess that "our thoughts are not His thoughts".     We must also become blind before we can see.   And we must become converted and become like children before we can "see the Kingdom of Heaven".   

It is our fleshly, controlling thoughts - our natural mind - which holds us in bondage.    There is absolutely no way for us to serve God with our natural mind, our pride, and self, in control.  

So HERE IS THE GREAT PARADOX:    For us to have any TRUE "self control", SELF must yield control to the Spirit.    

Does this sound confusing or a little fuzzy?     Let me make it very real.     When a man or woman falls on their knees, weeping before the CROSS OF JESUS - broken by the suffering and death of the one who Loved Them SO - that is when the chains of sin fall off.   

Our "left brain" is our logical mind of "self control".    Our heart, our "right brain", is held in bondage by the tyranny of our "self control".      When that control is broken by the LOVE OF JESUS, then, and only then, is our heart set free from bondage.

So we will discuss this Fruit of The Spirit - "Self Control" - in spiritual (mystical) terms.    We won't talk theory.   We won't talk theology.    Our discussion will be very practical and, therefore, far more helpful than some intellectual study.     If anyone wants to live in Romans 7 - a life of defeat and frustration - all they need to do is refuse to yield control.    We desire better things.

Next we will discuss how Jesus takes us into his "Spiritual Paradise" - making "self control" AUTOMATIC - if we yield to the riches HE desires to give us.

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