
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace (Part 5)

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace (Part 5)

The Fact Of What God Has Done Can Generate Peace In Our Hearts

We have many simple facts that promote peace in our hearts. But they will not take full effect in our lives outside "The Mystery Of Christ" - without a practical experience of spiritual or mystical union with Jesus. We don't know anything until our hearts know it. And when we fill our minds with knowledge that our heart has no way of accepting we are just one more step toward being schizophrenic.

I was thrilled when I read Watchman Nee's book - the normal Christian Life. In this book he explained something that really blessed me. I learned, from his exposition of the book of Romans, that the "old man" doesn't really get forgiven - he gets to die. This so obviously brings a complete end to the power of sin in our lives that I felt immediate relief. For one thing, it became obvious that the "real me" was a completely new creation with no sin in me whatsoever.

The Intellectual Approach Doesn't Really Work

But I struggled with the implementation of what Brother Nee wrote. He just kept saying "recon it so", "count it as done", etc, etc. Don't try to kill the old nature - just recon it's dead. Simply KNOW that, in Jesus Christ, you are dead to sin.


But it didn't work.

You Need The Chicken To Get The Egg - And Visa Versa!

I knew, from the beginning, that something fundamental was still missing. My first analysis was that he didn't seem to make it clear that it's only true if we are exercising faith. But it's obvious why he couldn't go there. You get the chicken and the egg - which comes first - dilemma. Where can we get the strength to recon ourselves dead? We need to really see ourselves In Christ and recon ourselves dead to have any strenght at all. It's a catch-22. We're stuck.

Around and around we go - and where it stops, nobody knows.

Bear in mind that I may have missed something in Brother Nee's explanation. I may have just been stupid. But I still must say that I got the answer from other sources - and never was able to get it from Brother Nee's writings - which remain some of the most excellant teaching ever given.

I believe a major element was missing.

It's Not Just A Matter Of Accepting A "Fact"

Nee seemed to me to be recommending an intellectual or mental exercise. "Don't try to kill the old nature, just recon yourself dead to sin - in Christ. Christ died to sin, so the objective fact is that you are now dead to sin, in Him."

There are several problems with this. First of all, the bible DOES tell us to "put to death the deeds of he body". This sure appears to be some kind of spiritual warfare rather than just "knowing" and "reconning" it so.

We Have A Complete Answer In The Mystery Of Christ

But understanding "The Mystery Of Christ" gives a very satisfying and complete answer. Our left brain, our reasoning mind, isn't so much the answer as the source of our problem. Certainly we must know the powerful truth of the gospel that we are dead to sin In Christ. But that knowledge must get out of our mind, SOMEHOW, and INTO OUR HEART. To experience this, our natural reasoning and controlling mind must yield control - and a dynamic power must rise up from within our innermost being. This power will fill both our mind and our heart.

This Is "The Law Of The Spirit Of Life"

This is "the Law Of The Spirit of Life", in Christ Jesus, which sets us free from "the law of sin and death". In Romans 7 we see the trap those who battle with their natural mind are stuck in. The more they try to obey, the more likely they are to disobey. They are constantly thinking about their evil desires and their sins. But when we are brought to a state of brokenness - when our natural minds surrender control - then some very powerful and dynamic forces are released.

Here's a practical picture of this. If, rather than read about this, you listen to a song about it, you may soon feel a joy well up in your being. When we listen to a song the wellsprings of our innermost being tend to be touched. Soon our heart is leaping for joy and we are not thinking about sin anymore. We are in love with Jesus and living at a higher plain.

Pentacost Was Much More Than A Great Sermon

When the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, on Pentacost, they sort of went nuts. They didn't listen to a profound exposition by one of the apostles, and then start running around shouting, "Wow! That guy can REALLY PREACH!". No. They were so touched by the Holy Spirit that their entire being was bursting with joy. People thought they were drunk. They weren't acting scholarly, rational, or intellectual. They were dancing around and praising God with complete abandon. Just as Jesus had said in John 7, out of their bellies - their innermost being and their emotional heart of hearts - was flowing rivers of living water.

Did they stand around saying, "Wow, man! Now I can really recon myself dead to sin. I'm just going to remember these facts every time I'm tempted." No. They didn't feel like sinning because they were high on Jesus! Their entire beings, not just their minds, were bursting with real, practical, overwhelmingly effective, spiritual life which automatically produeced ALL THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT in their lives.

Jesus, Not Knowledge, Is The Answer

Modern preacher worship has turned us from spiritual Christians into Gnostics. Gnosis means "knowledge". I love Watchman Nee. But let's get away from the thinking that says, "Here! Read this book. There is knowledge in this book. This knowledge is the special key to spirituality".

No! Jesus is the answer. He must and always wil be the answer. You can have facts coming out of your ears, and if you aren't abiding in Him in practical spiritual unity, it'll just make you schizoid.

And how do we get this? Pitch that book and FALL ON YOUR KNEES. Be touched with the passion of His Suffering Love for you - not as a fact for heaven's sake - but as the suffering and death of your beloved friend and Lord. This brings brokenness and surrender into our lives. And when our controlling mind, our pride, and our sense of control, is completely broken - then HE enters us!

This isn't knowledge oriented, it's relationship oriented. It's heart oriented. If I talked about how your husband or wife died like if I was reading the weather forecast it would be insulting. It would be unreal. In the same way, we can only enter into spiritual union with Jesus when our pride is crushed. At that point we feel blind - not full of bible facts. At that point we are completely vulnerable - not detached and aloof.

This Is For Posterity

In "The Princes Bride", the lover - who is much like Jesus in this story - is captured and tortured. His torturer is making a scientific study of the effects of the torture. So he tells his victim to explain how it feels since "This Is For Posterity".

Gnostic Christians are like that. It's as though we're standing at the foot of the cross making a study of how great it is he is dying.

"Yeah. Let's consider, now, how cool it'll be when he's dead. The fact of his being dead will be something we can appropriate in our lives."

It makes me sick. It's so detached. And it's like we're the God and he is the subject. But he is our Lord and Our God.

I'd rather discuss how useful it is to know that he may have to smite our bodies, as an effective discipline, to remind us that He is Our Lord, and our sins slew Him on the cross! Once we taste pain, maybe we'll shut up and listen with our HEARTS for a change.

Knowledge based religion is an exercise in lunacy!

Jesus Himself Is Our Deliverer

So we aren't delivered by "sound doctrine". Gnosticism is not "sound doctrine" but unscriptural heresy. The bible teaches that only by "abiding in the vine" - tapping into all that we have in a real relationship with Jesus - can we have life.

As we wait on God, DAILY, doing what Jesus did by rising early and seeking His face, we have a real practical reality in what we get from him. Some may study some facts and gain some knowledge. We seek His face and get LIFE.

When we do this we admit that JESUS must have all the glory. I can have my head so full of facts that my hair falls out. But if I don't experience practical spiritual unity with Him - praying not with my natural mind, but with my SPIRIT - I can do nothing. I won't be filled with love, joy & peace. I'll be dry as a bone. I'd still be in control. My heart would still be held in bondage as I ran my life with the impulses of my natural mind.

We experience all the marvels of what we have in the Mystery Of Christ when we experince real mystical union with Him - making it absolutey obvious that he is in control in some very basic ways as we actually EXPERIENCE the power of the Holy Spirit

We Get This BY FAITH. We Don't Have Faith We Got It.

People get confused about the whole idea of getting what we need, in Christ, "by faith". It's not that we "have faith that we got it" when we didn't get anything practical at all. We didn't wait on Him. We didn't seek his face. We didn't experience the blessings of spiritual union with Him. So don't pretend it happened.

No. It is through the exercise of faith that we seek Him and find him. We knock and he opens the door. And we get to really experience Him. If you don't know Him, it's hazardous to pretend you do. He's going to tell many church goers, "I never knew you!"

"But my pastor told me to just accept that I know you "by faith"!"

Sorry. It's too late now. You had religion. You had knowledge. But you didn't wait on me. You didn't let me bless you and fill you with my Spirit. You never knew me and I never knew you. You just knew alot of bible facts. And since you didn't abide in me, you didn't have what it takes to truly love people or obey me. So depart from me you workers of iniquity!

Yet Here Is The Paradox

Paradoxically, however, it is the fact of what Jesus has done for you that saves you - not anything you can or will do. But it's not KNOWING these facts that brings peace into your life, it is EXPERIENCING these facts.

God's written Word hold's spiritual truths which can only be experienced and enjoyed by spiritual people - people who have loved Him enough to seek his Face and come to know Him.

What are some of these facts?

We just discussed one of them. We are dead to sin because we live in The Mystery Of Christ in the Spirit. And in His Spirit we are dead to sin because He died, once for all, on the cross. So this is an objective fact that we don't just KNOW, it is a living reality for us.

He has a covenant with us. He binds himself to this covenant. This is a fact which gives us great peace. But we will discuss the living reality of this convenant.

What does it mean to be holy? It fundamentally just means that we belong to Him. Did you put your faith in Him. Are all your eggs in this one basket or do you have a "plan B"? Were you baptized as a testimony that you have given your life to him? Then you belong to Him. As such, you are HOLY. He'll do what it takes to change you. This is also worth taking a close look at.

Fact Not Feeling

So our relationship is based on fact not feeling. He really did die for us - kiliing the Adam nature on the cross and destroying the power of sin.

He does have a covenant with us. He has bound himself to that covenant will do what it takes to maintain our relationship with Him.

We are holy if we have put our faith in Him. As such, we are now His property. Our act of faith has put His reputation on the line - and He will glorify His name by doing what it takes to transform us into His own image.

So we have PEACE, as a fruit of the Spirit, because of an actual, vital, factual relationship with God. And because He is the true and living God he will give us a real experience of the richness to be found In Him. It won't be pretend. You will know Him. You will experience Him

Let's wrap up with these facts: "Draw near to Him and He will draw near to YOU." He is knocking on the door of your life. If you open the door he will enter into your life and have real fellowship with you. If you seek Him, you will FIND him.

These facts of real experience with God greatly reinforce the fact that God has done everything it takes for you to experience all the blessings of complete freedom from sin and death. He has established a covenant with you. He has made you "holy" by making you His property - just as you are. And He will do whatever it takes to change you.

Peace Comes By Yielding

The facts are all out there. But maybe you still have no real experience of peace - even though you know these facts. Are you tormented by guilt or doubt?

By giving FACTS - REALITY - God helps you yield.

But you will need to give up control of your life. You will need to experience "Sweet Surrender". It is not by an exercise of strength, but in weakness, that you get to experience these facts.

Stop thinking and start loving. And if your hard heart refuses to yield, rend it. His suffering on the cross for you, his love for you, and his forgiveness of your hardness of heart, pride and sin give you everything you need to rend your heart.

What Comes First, The Chicken Or The Egg? Neither!

So we aren't stuck in the infinite loop of needing faith to "recon" and needing to "recon" before we can really die to self and live by faith.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Neither! God came first! Humble yourself and seek His face and you will become broken and humbled - a fit vessel into which he will pour everything you need and more.

So you have the steps. You know what to do.

The power of the gospel is a divine force in the mind and heart of those who hear and believe. When we hear of the passion of His suffering love for us, and how it was our sins that he bore, and how he died that we might live - we are broken. Our pride is demolished.

These Are the Practical Steps We Take

We have one work to do: believe. And that belief must mean total surrender.

After that we move to the next step. We wait on Him to receive His Holy Spirit. This happens naturally when we are weeping tears of repentance - amazed at His great Love. His Spirit will fill us. We need to take the time we need to receive this marvellous gift. But it wil flow into us as a gift - quite naturally.

After that we must continue to seek Him - not knowledge. Sure. Read His Word. The written Word of God contains spiritual words and spiritual truths which spiritual people can receive and understand - especially in the richness of the upbuilding we have in the Body Of Christ.

But we aren't after knowledge. We seek HIS FACE each and every day.

This is the process that allows us to enjoy all the Fruit Of The Spirit. As we enjoy spiritual mystical union with Him - we obtain PEACE. If we are troubled, we consider the FACTS of what HE has done for us. Then we take the practical step so many Christians miss: We yield control. In doing so we have a real spiritual experience.

This Is The Paradox: Only The Blind Get To See

So here is the rich paradox. Facts seem like food for the reasoning human mind. But the natural mind cannot experience these facts. These facts can only be received into our HEARTS. The natural reasoning mind cannot accept them any more than it can step out and walk on water.

We talk about a "personal relationship with Jesus".

What we are saying is that scriptural truth cannot be digested by the unbroken mind. Religion reads scripture as a dead letter. Spiritual men can digest spiritual facts - not as strong Christians full of knowledge - but as broken men who have become blind.

For such, the facts of what God has done for us provide great comfort and peace. Once we become "blind" by yielding, God allows us to truly see and truly be comforted.

We will go on to consider some of the most powerful things God has done for us. This will bless us in our personal relationship with Him

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Sef Control (Part 4)

The Fruit Of The Spirit - In the Mystery of Christ

Self Control (Part 4)

The Terror Of God

Americans treat God as though He was some kind of fool. We don't mean to. We often know for sure that, in our heart of hearts, we love God with everything in us. But we have this little problem with our body and natural mind. But as soon as God strikes our natural body - or if our mind and body get a big scare - we're like: "OKAY! OKAY! I'll obey!" The love of God makes us want to draw near to him and obey everything he tells us. But our body is like a bad dog that won't be trained.

Our Natural Mind

If you have been following the entire series, we have been stressing the need for the controlling function of our brain to be broken and forced into surrender. This is "Sweet Surrender" - as we have said - WHY? It's sweet surrender because our heart is held in bondage by our natural mind. Only when we are broken in such a way that we glady yield to the Holy Spirit's leading are our hearts set free such that we inwardly "leap for joy". All of our dreams instantly begin to come true as soon as we yield.

What Helps Us Yield?

There are many things which force us to yield. Eternity is incomprehensible to us. So when we look up into the night sky we actually look into infinity - something we are absolutely incapable of comprehending - yet we are staring at it. Then we are broken by God's awesomeness and yield to Him. There are many things we have discussed and many more we will discuss that cause us to be broken and yield control to God.

Why Does Pain Work For us?

Pain gets our attention in a big way. In theory, pain is just a warning signal to our brain which we should, logically, be able to take note of then ignore if we so desire. But God ties pain into our controlling function so that we simply can't seem to ignore it. God does this for our own good.

So pain can work for us. Pain is such a potent function that God doesn't even necessariy have to inflict an injury to get our attention. Just the thought of open heart surgery - when you realize what that means - will scare us into dieting properly - IF we are wise.

So pain can force our natural mind to surrender. And submitting to pain or discomfort can promote humility. So fasting can be a way of submitting to God's surgery. I'm using pain and discomfort to rebuke my body and natural mind - bringing both into submission.

Amazingly, once we've yielded control to God pain is greatly reduced. Even doing something as small as relaxing and yielding before you get your finger pricked for a blood sample greatly reduces the pain.

Only Our Hearts Know The Full Benefit Of Discipline

We don't know our own hearts. Some of us are impacted by the immenent possibiiity of death. For some it is the issue of control. If we are insecure and tend to domineer people, our natural minds are deeply offended by God's abiity to wound our body to get rid of our cockiness. There are issues with the sexual part of our nature that pertain to a woman's willingness to go through the pain of childbearing and birth. So we are often "in travail" for new birth in our lives and the lives of others. There seems to be an instinctive parent/child thing - with corporal punishment. When we are not properly disciplined by God we may begin to exhibit masochistic tendencies. Some even begin to cut themselves. But when God disciplines us, some or all of these aspects come into play in complex ways only he understands. These are mysteries worth exploring. God's Word is rich with these thoughts.

I Love Your Judgments!

Most Christians are totally lacking in the intimacy with God required to experience richness in a personal relationship with Jesus that includes willing submission to His intimate work of discipline - a work which totally renews us. All I know is that when God so moved on me that I would throw myself on my prayer mat crying out, "I love your judgments!", he took me to a place where I suddenly began to really live and see the wonders God was bringing into my life. My heart was set free because my natural mind - my controlling mind - got FIRED. The Holy Spirit began to take control and life began to flow through my mind and body. Not only did I feel His marvelous love, I began to notice that the sky was really blue! I heard the birds sing with new joy. It's like being "in love". God's discipline has wonderful benefits. This is something we learn to seek, not to dread.

A Powerful Move Of The Holy Spirit

I've watched God free people powerfully - immediately - when they experienced "an impartation of the fear of God". One should not seek this lightly. When this was offered at one gathering I attended, few were humble enough to admit they were still "on milk". We'll gladly serve and comfort the weak - new believers - and those who are recovering from deep wounds. But when many asked for an impartation of the fear of God, I heard a cry of repentance like you cannot imagine. It's true that this particular group had been trampling God's grace. But most of us are doing that. They were just forced to admit it because they'd been so overtly evil and rebellious.

Some were smitten with pain in their body, that very moment, that was only healed several days later when full testimony had been given regarding the power of God. I myself found out what it meant when a pain shot through my body and I thought I was about to pass out. (I've hit the floor once before. I remembered that it hurts when your arms stop working and you go down). This was not comfortable or desirable. It wasn't a phoney "slain in the Spirit" thing. I didn't want to be laying on the floor with these Christians I'd just met, slobbering on myself and crying "Help me!". Thankfully, after a few moments of seeking, both the pain and light headedness passed. But my body remembered! I realized why people immediately obey when they get a true "impartation of the fear of God". God is God. Don't toy with him. It's neither smart nor safe to do so.

There were numerous couples living immorally in this group. They all immediately seperated or got married. Now this is not uncommon in a country like Haiti - where people are much humbler and less demanding to run their lives as they see fit. But to see young people give up their pride - and all the excuses people give for not marrying - and just make that life long commitment - here in this country - WOW! And marriages based on the fear of the Lord are far more durable than emotion based marriages executed by the selfish will of the natural mind of the couple. We normally enter marriage under our own terms. And that's how we divorce. When marriage is a necessity, not an option, then divorce is never an option. In the context of such yielding the natural man has lost his job and the Holy Spirit can teach true love.

We are such proud, stubborn, self willed people. And we suffer so much because of it.

Self Control Blossoms In The Mystery Of Christ

Many Christians are furious with me. They want to have God under their control. They have him trapped between the covers of their bibles - or so they think. They let him talk when THEY give Him permission. And if a passage of scripture offends them, they skip it.

We need to be humbled as pain humbles a person. We need to be disciplined so we stop being a bunch of brats. Believers need The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit and regular Infillings Of The Holy Spirit. But we also need The Baptism Of Fire ("He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with FIRE"). This Baptism of Fire - a real "impartation of the fear of God" - burns up all that could possibly harm us. It brings real freedom.

This is all in "The Mystery Of Christ". Only when we learn to wait on God do we get to have the joy of spiritual union with Him. And only in that spiritual union do we obtain the PRACTICAL experience of death to sin and resurrection life.

A powerful impartation of the fear of God is essential to achieving the kind of yielding which leads to spiritual maturity. Spirituall babies can keep sucking on their bottles. And they should. I heard one young lady crying "Take it back! Take it back!". She had sufficient yielding as a newborn believer - putting her full faith in Jesus as a Spiritual infant should.

But those who, in accordance with Hebrews 6, desire to go on to Spiritual Maturity must be prepared to yield to greater discipline. Otherwise you will lack self control.

A Warning To False Leaders

Many who fancy themselves Spiritual Leaders and teachers are cocky, arrogant, and unbroken. They lead to feed their deep inner insecurity. Such people need to hear this and hear it well: "We are not interested in your words, but in your power!" You may well be subjected to spiritual discipline and get a pretty good spanking. Such should know that they are no match for those who are broken, humble, gentle, and self controlled. Godly leaders are quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. God will not trust you with his power any more than you'd trust your 2 year old with a power tool. Do not test God. Do not open your mouth with arrogance our you will need to learn "the hard way". You may be a fat sheep and expect to throw your weight around and have your way. But beware. Do not mistake the "meekness" of those who have been properly disciplined for "weakness". If you mess with them, you're messing with God - and that's not smart.

A New Day Of Freedom

Many will soon experience "the terror of God". Judgment is about to fall on this world. But first it will fall on the household of faith so that we can escape the judgment that is coming on this world and have what it takes to endure to the end.

This will bring a revival such as we have never seen. We will still experience the love and mercy of God. We will still want to be near him - even more so. When people know their God has real power, they are drawn to him and take shelter in Him. They know how kind our Lord is. They know he is gentle and merciful. They can bring forgiveness and mercy to the worst sinner. But they are able to say, "Go and sin no more." with real power.

God's people will experience all the fruit of the Spirit - with real self control - not because they are strong and mighty - but because they have fully surrendered to God. They will yield to Him - and experrience Spiritual Union with Him. God opposes the proud. But we will submit - yielding control - and he will be able to fill us each morning. In brokenness we will awake early for the joy of waiting on Him and experiencing Spiritual Union with Him as we pray - not with our natural minds - but in the Spirit.

No longer will we be an unspiritual people - beating people with our bibles and acting like we are God. No longer will we be secretly enslaved to sin. No longer will we be frustrated and carnally minded - full of anxiety and worry. Yielding to Him, and gaining all we need in the Mystery of Christ, we will have a new day of freedom.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Religion Versus Relationship - Chapter 2

2. The True Gospel

"The Saving LIFE of Christ"

Religion peddles forgiveness - often competing to offer a cheaper gospel with a bigger benefit.

"You're saved now! So you can murder, commit adultery, lie - just like King David - and it makes no difference at all. All your sins are forgiven: past, present and future. "

And how did they get this? They believed Jesus rose from the dead and said the "sinner's prayer". One little ritual and, VOILA!, you're good for eternity.


But false.

Totally false.

"A Forgiven Corpse Is Still Just A Corpse"

The only thing "forgiveness" impacts is your LEGAL STATUS before God.

Before we are saved we are dead in our sins. If you only experience forgiveness, you're just a forgiven corpse. How good is that??! A forgiven corpse is, after all, still just a corpse.

The True Gospel doesn't say you are saved by the death of Jesus. You are saved by His Life. Romans 5:8-10 teaches that we are reconciled to God by the death of his Son. But then it says that, now that we are reconciled to God, we are SAVED BY HIS LIFE!

The True Gospel always involved an entry into a real RELATIONSHIP with Jesus - in the Spirit. Through Jesus, through "The Mystery Of Christ", we are truly "saved by His Life".

"Grace: Nothing Short Of God's Gift of Himself To Us"

The traditional definition of "grace" is "God's Unmeritted Favor". This definition focuses on His forgiveness. But grace is much more than just forgiveness - or even friendship with God. Reconciliation - friendship with God - is marvelous. But we are called to live in "mystical" or "spiritual" union with God - and that is our heart's desire. Jesus called this "abiding in the vine" - abiding, or living, in Him. And He has pledged to live with us. Can you see how this is much more than just "forgiveness"?

"What Sort Of Marriage Is This?"

I know many foreigners who live in seperate countries or regions of the country because their job is their first priority. They can open their document box and show me their Certificate Of Marriage, but what kind of marriage is this? Yet many Christians are not confortable with the idea of a "mystical" or "spiritual" relationship with the Lord. The idea of "abiding in Him" - or of Him living in us - is an intellectual and theological concept for them - not a living reality. Religion bribes you with forgiveness, and then marries you to the "church" or "sect" to which you belong. And whenever you talk about prayer as experiencing the joys of "mystical" union with Jesus, they think you're creepy. I wonder if their marriage stinks, too.

"It Is The Gift Of God"

Take the most famous verse regarding grace:

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. "

Now, which are you more likely to "boast" about, the fact that you're not going to hell as you deserve to, or your good works"? Obviously, when it comes to boasting, it is our good works of which we would boast. This shows that our new life is the life of Jesus in us - not our own inherant goodness. That is why we do not boast. And this is what grace is all about.

So, if you want to remember this easily, think of the verse this way:

When you read "gift of God" think of God as the gift. I know that the verse means that salvation and our new lives are God's gift to us. But, truly, God is giving Himself to us. If not, what would it all be worth anyway? Not much. We delight in the God who is our life. It's not just obeying God that makes us happy. It is union with God - as tongues of fire touch our mind, heart and body and he enters us. In this we have a surge of divine love, joy and power to live a whole new way. It is "the gift OF GOD".

"Call His Name JESUS"

God told Joseph to name the chose child "Jesus" because he would "save us from our sins". Sad to say, I never understood this as a rellgious kid. Only recently did the obvious hit me. Jesus (Yeshua), comes from the hebrew verb YASHA. This word means "to save". But more specifically it means "to set free".

So here's a crystal clear picture:

The Israelites were saves in Egypt - a picture of our old life of slavery and bondage to sin and guilt. When God saved his people he LIBERATED them. He set them free from bondage. And Jesus sets US free from bondage to the things which used to destroy us, destructive regrets, and the condemnation under which we used to live.

"How Free?"

Let me tell you how totally free you are, In Jesus. My mother had a dream. And in this dream there was the complete absense of evil. Most of us cannot even imagine this feeling. We're always conscious of evil - out there. And no matter how delighted we might be in many ways, that sense of evil lurking out there still sort of spoils our party. You probaby can't even remember your eariest childhood when, perhaps, you might have had a small taste of that innocence. But even though God equips us, in Christ, to battle evil as valiant spiritual warriors, in Christ evil is competely banished. We can take refuge in Him and experience compete and absolute freedom from evil. This far surpasses forgiveness alone. This is what we have when we are "saved by His Life" - not merely forgiven.

"Religion Is THIN SOUP, At Best"

By now the fantastic power of the true and living Gospel is shining bright in our hearts - in very sharp contrast with the THIN SOUP religion has to offer. Religion tends to peddle "forgiveness". The true Gospel totally transforms your world as you are reconciled to God - yes - through the death of His Son. But now that we are God's "friend", you have so much more as we live a totally new way as we are "saved by His Life".

Grace is not an intellectual or theological concept. Grace is God giving Himself to us. The word for "grace" is "charis". The word for "gifts" is "charismata". When God gives Himself to us we experience a spiritual transformation, are "born again" into a totally new life, and receive "gifts" as part of Jesus flowing through us in mystical spiritual union.

His very Name means "freedom" - and the freedom is absolute as we experience spiritual union with Him. Our relationship with Him is a FACT, not a FEELING. But we are set free from sin, IN PRACTICE, through the exercise of faith, and "waiting on God", so that we can let this freedom become a spiritual reality in our lives.

Religion and theology don't help us stop sinning. They give no PRACTICAL help. We are taught and mentored, by spiritual teachers, the Word Of God, and the leading of the Spirit, how to make spiritual union with Jesus a living, functioning, practical reality in our lives.

The True Gospel spreads a feast before us. Religion is THIN SOUP - at best.

"What Will We Explore Next?"

We could go on and on about the differences between the True Gospel and the twisted, perverted version of the gospel religion tries to sell us. But it's better to take each rich topic and explore it, dive into it, and truly enjoy as much as we can possibly grasp. There's truly no end. You can explore this New Life until the day you die and the horizons just expand as you go deeper in. It just gets BIGGER. God just becomes more and more awesome to us.

Jesus had a problem with the Pharisees because they bound heavy burdens on people's backs but did not lift a finger to help. We'd mentioned that the True Gospel shows how we gain very PRACTICAL help as we are delivered from our old sinful and religious ways to live a whole New Way in a very real RELATIONSHIP with Jesus our Lord. Let's explore what that looks like!

Religion Versus Relationship - Chapter 1

1. Religion Versus Relationship

"He Came To His Own And They Didn't Receive Him"

Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with each of us as individuals. He also longs for His People as a bridegroom yearns for His Bride. As horrible as it is that rebellions children in this earth might refuse to receive the gospel - an even more horrible fact is that "He came to us own, but his own did not receive Him". Religious people resisted John The Baptist and Jesus far more vigorously than the "worst sinners" of that time. They claimed to long for their Messiah. But they crucified Him. Religion still rejects Jesus.

"God Surprises God Fearing People By Showing Up In Their Lives!"

At the same time, there's nothing much more beautiful than seeing God fearing people - people who have tried to live for God within religion - melting into the loving hands of a True and Living God. They have been faithful to the light that they had. Yet they find themselves amazed that God is very real. The God of the bible may have seemed far removed from their daily lives - but then he shows up in person. We see this in the old testament at times when "the Word of the Lord was rare". Eli had the tabernacle. He was serving God in religion. But it had been a very long time since anyone had heard directly from the Living God in person. Then, one day, God shows up and talks directly to the young boy Samuel. God delights in revealing himself to God fearing people. He delights in surprising His People by showing up and confronting them in their daily lives.

"Everyone Has A Religion"

Sociologists recognize that every society and sub-culture has a religion. They have assumptions they accept on faith - since none of our most basic assumptions can be proven. And they have rules that they enforce on others. Rather than teaching love from the bible they might hammer each other on facebook, criticize, complain or gossip. Just because their religious rules are sick doesn't mean they aren't religious or not rules. What makes these people so dangerous is that they are sure they are "just correct" - not "religious". Their arrogance and self righteousness often far surpasses that of church goers. We see the evil of secular religious strongholds in school "peer groups", in politics, in music and entertainment, and in our sick, disfunctional society.

"Religious People Are Often Insecure And Insensitive"

We have to admit, however, that church goers can sometimes be really unbearable creeps. We may say we realize we are "sinners saved by grace". But the fact that we feel forgiven - and sure of our standing before God - can make us feel good about being poor listeners, big mouths, or just overly opinionated. Atheists are often right that insecure people tend to become religious and religious people tend to be insecure. Our rudeness and arrogance doesn't come from our zeal or strength - as we imagine - but from our weakness and insecurity.

"The Only Escape From Religion Is To Become A Spiritual Child Of God"

So there's no way to escape religion other than by relationship. Men are caught in a web of rules, false assumptions, intolerance, and the wars and fighting that we see in politics and religion. It is, in fact, all religious and spiritual. The demonic principalities and powers which govern this world and all that men do rule over politics, religion and society.

Jesus came as the Son Of God - and gave us the right and power to become Children of God. This is the only escape from religion.

"Human Religion Is An Enemy Of The Way Of The Spirit"

We must not imagine anything is neutral. Human religion, with it's man made doctrines and traditions, wars against The Way Of The Spirit. The demonic forces of this world govern godless society. They also govern human religion. God fearing people of all denominations can be set free. They won't lose a thing. All things belong to us. Each group of Christians has something special to contribute. But human wisdom is "earthy, unspiritual, of the devil". The zeal for some sect or group, exulting themselves above other Christians, is a "party spirit" - one of the "works of the flesh" Paul identifies. Sarah and Hagar will never get along - nor will their children. Spirit and flesh won't mix. Religion wars against the Spirit and visa versa..

"We Must Identify The Differences Between What is Religious And What Is Spiritual"

We're all subject to the devious tendency to backslide into religion. As soon as we stop using faith we fall back into the realm of flesh and human religion. So it is essential that we clearly identify the difference between religion and following Jesus in His wonderful spiritual ways. That's what we will do - starting with the basic gospel message. Religion does not preach God's true gospel - but a twisted counterfeit. Do you know the difference? We'll explore this in the first chapter.