1. Religion Versus Relationship
"He Came To His Own And They Didn't Receive Him"
Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with each of us as individuals. He also longs for His People as a bridegroom yearns for His Bride. As horrible as it is that rebellions children in this earth might refuse to receive the gospel - an even more horrible fact is that "He came to us own, but his own did not receive Him". Religious people resisted John The Baptist and Jesus far more vigorously than the "worst sinners" of that time. They claimed to long for their Messiah. But they crucified Him. Religion still rejects Jesus.
"God Surprises God Fearing People By Showing Up In Their Lives!"
At the same time, there's nothing much more beautiful than seeing God fearing people - people who have tried to live for God within religion - melting into the loving hands of a True and Living God. They have been faithful to the light that they had. Yet they find themselves amazed that God is very real. The God of the bible may have seemed far removed from their daily lives - but then he shows up in person. We see this in the old testament at times when "the Word of the Lord was rare". Eli had the tabernacle. He was serving God in religion. But it had been a very long time since anyone had heard directly from the Living God in person. Then, one day, God shows up and talks directly to the young boy Samuel. God delights in revealing himself to God fearing people. He delights in surprising His People by showing up and confronting them in their daily lives.
"Everyone Has A Religion"
Sociologists recognize that every society and sub-culture has a religion. They have assumptions they accept on faith - since none of our most basic assumptions can be proven. And they have rules that they enforce on others. Rather than teaching love from the bible they might hammer each other on facebook, criticize, complain or gossip. Just because their religious rules are sick doesn't mean they aren't religious or not rules. What makes these people so dangerous is that they are sure they are "just correct" - not "religious". Their arrogance and self righteousness often far surpasses that of church goers. We see the evil of secular religious strongholds in school "peer groups", in politics, in music and entertainment, and in our sick, disfunctional society.
"Religious People Are Often Insecure And Insensitive"
We have to admit, however, that church goers can sometimes be really unbearable creeps. We may say we realize we are "sinners saved by grace". But the fact that we feel forgiven - and sure of our standing before God - can make us feel good about being poor listeners, big mouths, or just overly opinionated. Atheists are often right that insecure people tend to become religious and religious people tend to be insecure. Our rudeness and arrogance doesn't come from our zeal or strength - as we imagine - but from our weakness and insecurity.
"The Only Escape From Religion Is To Become A Spiritual Child Of God"
So there's no way to escape religion other than by relationship. Men are caught in a web of rules, false assumptions, intolerance, and the wars and fighting that we see in politics and religion. It is, in fact, all religious and spiritual. The demonic principalities and powers which govern this world and all that men do rule over politics, religion and society.
Jesus came as the Son Of God - and gave us the right and power to become Children of God. This is the only escape from religion.
"Human Religion Is An Enemy Of The Way Of The Spirit"
We must not imagine anything is neutral. Human religion, with it's man made doctrines and traditions, wars against The Way Of The Spirit. The demonic forces of this world govern godless society. They also govern human religion. God fearing people of all denominations can be set free. They won't lose a thing. All things belong to us. Each group of Christians has something special to contribute. But human wisdom is "earthy, unspiritual, of the devil". The zeal for some sect or group, exulting themselves above other Christians, is a "party spirit" - one of the "works of the flesh" Paul identifies. Sarah and Hagar will never get along - nor will their children. Spirit and flesh won't mix. Religion wars against the Spirit and visa versa..
"We Must Identify The Differences Between What is Religious And What Is Spiritual"
We're all subject to the devious tendency to backslide into religion. As soon as we stop using faith we fall back into the realm of flesh and human religion. So it is essential that we clearly identify the difference between religion and following Jesus in His wonderful spiritual ways. That's what we will do - starting with the basic gospel message. Religion does not preach God's true gospel - but a twisted counterfeit. Do you know the difference? We'll explore this in the first chapter.
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