
Friday, March 30, 2012

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Self Control (Part 3)

I promised to discuss how the Lord "gives life to our MORTAL bodies" as part of the discussion on "Self Control".

We have already noticed that "self control" is the yielding of control - a process of "Sweet Surrender" which releases our hearts from bondage.

In this you have a NEW DAY!    Like the Israelites coming out of Egypt, you are now FREE.

Consider the impact of Romantic Love on our hearts.   We hear a love song and it's somehow "bigger than life".    Why?    Most of us don't get as charged up over food - even our favorite food.    It's the PERSONAL side of romantic love that opens our hearts to something far bigger and more beautiful than simple sexual gratification.

I had this "Big Feeling" toward LIFE when I came to know the Lord.    Romance came later.   But that zest for life - all those rich and wonderful feelings - it was all mine.     And if you know that the magic comes from the Spiritual World, romantic love grows in it's "magical" quality.    If you think the "magic" comes from romance itself, well . .

"Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone."

I've mentioned before that one of the biggest hinderances is that people can't let themselves believe that it could possibly "be this good"!

I tell you the truth, "It's better!"
The awesomeness of God is good and deepens and gets better the longer you live - AS LONG AS YOU RECOGNIZE THE TRUE SOURCE OF LIFE.

My son and I wrote a song that expresses this (called "The True Source Of Life")   It talks about our former life when we touched the "shadows' of the things we now enjoy.    Though you can touch them, they are but "shadows".

And romantic love isn't the only powerful "shadow".

Bob Sieger's song "Like A Rock" expresses the True Manhood of a PRINCIPLED MAN.    Then it sadly chronicles how that manhood gets crushed through time and compromise.   When he realizes how far he's fallen it's all restored.

But that rarely happens - and almost never with any kind of completeness.

But in Christ I have the Fount of Eternal Youth.
And those who do not fear death truly love.

So we took on the worst of the worst in Detroit - and watched God show his might.
Real humility is the basis of real manhood.

You feel strength pour into you and a Fire begins to BURN in your heart!   


Forget the little twerps the world praises.    Rousseau, Voltaire, Freud.    All midgets.

The great men of God who GAVE THEIR LIVES to overcome the spiritual forces of darkness in time past - IF YOU COULD SEE WITH EYES THAT PIERCE INTO WHAT IS REAL - they were Fearsome Warriors ALL.

David said, "I can run through a troop of soldiers and leap over a wall!"

Real manhood!
Because though Jonathan and David were mighty warriors - and knew the mighty love of a true Band Of  Brothers - their warfare with feeble weapons that, yes, defeat flesh and blood . . . well . . .

They are nothing compared to the Shining Warriors of LIGHT!
John the Baptist was the greatest of men born of woman.
The LEAST in the kingdom is greater than he!

Look death in the face and laugh!   The risk we faced only energized us and made us stronger.
And our biker evangelists make "Born To Be Wild" sound like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"!

God sees!   God knows!

Since we see with eternal eyes we hear God mock the pretend strength of rebels and the "Alpha Dog" weaklings of the world.

So strength pours into our minds, bodies and spirits.    Our society despises manhood.

Zorro would don his disguise and go off on mad adventures.    My wife would send me off onto the streets - knowing we would court mortal danger like I once courted, and still court, her.    And she's a spiritual warrior like "Mrs. Zorro" too!    My wife is AWESOME.

Jael kills them with kindness!    The demons shudder.

The world sees our weapons and our warfare in mockery like Don Quixote's tin sword and delusional quest for glory.    We know better.    Just ask Dulcinea.    She'll tell you.   We freed the Dulcineas of Detroit!

Conquering the demons out where there's blood on the asphalt and setting people free is a joy beyond words.    I have dozens of stories that would thrill your souls.   As Paul said, "Was it for nothing that we FOUGHT THE BEASTS in Ephesus?"   

May God open your eyes to see what kind of MAN the GREAT WARRIOR, the Apostle Paul, truly was.    He FOUGHT THE BEASTS!    Yes!    And he put his FOOTon their NECK in triumph.

But because we see the spiritual warrior, this only brings the battle into focus.    Some of our most thrilling stories were fought out in the offices where I've worked.    There are stories that give me goosebumps and cause me to weep for joy at the slightest memory of God's mighty deeds of deliverance.   If I told you you'd laugh.   You'd cry.    You'd marvel at God's miracles.

So go forth and CONQUER!    Stand your ground in that seemingly insignificant place where you do war for God.    Matters of eternal consequence will be decided on that field of battle.

Womankind have their equivilent lifegiving force in the Spirit.
But for me, I feel powerful forces released in my mind and body that renew my youth and God given manhood.

In "The Passion Of The Christ" Jesus crushed the serpant's head in the garden.   HE, the Mightiest of ALL warriors!

The true warrior dies daily.   His is a bloody fight.   And when he takes the body and blood of Christ in Spiritual Communion there is a warrior bond that is off the charts in intensity.    We are Blood Brothers with Our Lord!

Finally, in true spirituality
there is the quiet time where the man of God finds one of the greatest victories in Absolute Peace.

He draws near to God in that Sacred Place of quiet meditation.

My wife demonstrated how complete peace equates to great strength.   
I used to work as a janitor on the OB unit of a hospital.    So when my wife and I had our first child the nurses left us in a room I'd mopped and cleaned innumerable times.

She gets obedient to the point of being "hypnotic" when in labor.    If I see an arm muscle, or hand, tighten - I just touch it and she relaxes it.     Her body worked with tremendous efficiency.    It was no picnic.    But she wasted very little strength as she was in perfect relaxation and peace.   Without any act of her will the hard work of labor went forward effectively.   Her mind focused on complete loving obedience.   And in obedience she found amazing peace.

The nurses thought she was sleeping when we knew from our studies that she was within a half an hour to an hour from delivery.    The nurses said, "No.   This is false labor.   She needs to go home until the labor gets real."    I just commanded them to get the doctor.    She had our first son less than an hour later.

What deed, on earth, is greater than bringing an eternal soul into the world?!
I could never keep her down after a birth.    She'd want to hop in the car and go show off her new baby to all her friends.   I had to make her rest (for a while).

So, too, the true warrior fights his mightiest battles on the valiant battleground of true spiritual prayer.    There's the mighty fight of Gethsemane.    But allowing the mightiest warrior of all to break through the veil of our flesh and enter our innermost being is the heart and soul of what and who we are.

So now many of you are beginning to believe that it CAN BE THAT GOOD.
When you feel his mighty strength pouring through your body - and energizing your mind and spirit - you'll KNOW it's true.   And it only gets better!

It's not by our strength that we are renewed.
It's by yielding.

You are like the filament of a light bulb.    When you throw the switch to turn on the light, it "drops the barrier", closing the circuit and allowing the tremendous power to flow.   You burn with a bright light and heat of God's own Passion!

Drop your barriers.
Love can energize you at any time and any place - and will.

But let music be the "carrier" of divine energy.
The emotion in a movie is in the sound track.
My van has a great sound system, and a tiny little screen.
I'd rather watch a good movie in that van than with a "big screen" if the sound system is weak.

God will give YOU a SPECIAL sound track for your movie!
Listen to Susan Ashton's "Here In My Heart" or "Stand".    Such songs open a door that help you to see just how amazingly beautiful your calling truly is.

Such GLORY makes "self control" a "done deed".     You're ALIVE!   You're FREE!   It's a NEW DAY!    Rise and Live - really LIVE for a change!    And end your day in a timeless quiet meditation that makes each day seem eternal.    You've ridden on The Wings Of The Wind!    Now rest in perfect peace and be one with Your Lord - and with all the blessed ones who are one with you in the Same Spirit!

God makes your "mortal body" ALIVE.   That's why we don't boast.    God provides the will to obey, the path to walk, and the power to live it.

We are forgiven by his shed blood.
But how are we saved???


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Self Control (Part2)

I'm praying that what you read, here, will bless you so deeply that you will pursue the Lord with a passion that can scarcely be called "prayer". I'm nuts about my Lord. I stay up to be with Him in peace - and rise early for more of the same.

Why? Because I'm such a strong Christian - disciplined and faithful?

Don't make me laugh!

Jesus has pursued ME, dear friend! I got tired of running from Him and SURRENDERED! I didn't climb some mountain. I wasn't wiser than most. I go to others when I need wisdom. I literally FELL into His Blessings!

If anyone lets on that they are a great man or woman of God - or exceptionally wise - or any other such high and holy claim - you need to bust out laughing.

The key to blessing is to admit the exact opposite. And when you open this door you will fall into His Arms Of Love. You will "fall" alright. You will fall in Love like you've never fallen in Love before!

So if it's that easy, why aren't we all living in a peaceful, wonderful state that would draw unbelievers to us in droves?

As easy as it is, it does require us to cough up our pride. Our religion also stops us. That's just two of the great enemies of God. The Holy Spirit is gentle and kind, like a dove. But you can drive that dove away if you work hard enough at it. Being busy. Keeping that wall up. Feeling guilty. Being fretful.

But most of all: Simply not being willing to believe that it can be THIS GOOD!

Believe it! It can!

Those of you who read yesterday's post may recall that our stubborn unwillingness to surrender will keep us trapped in Romans 7 - where we "Don't do the things we want to do and do the things we don't want to do.".

I've got good news for you! He's pursuing you!!

Give in.

Then you will be set free as "The Law Of The Spirit Of Life in Christ Jesus" sets you free from the "law of sin and death".

If you're flying above the clouds, you don't need to worry about the storms of this world. Even should you be tortured for Christ, God can take you into the heavenlies in the Spirit. We will, in fact, discuss how apathy, being full, comfort, and dullness are far more formidable enemies than pain and suffering. If you can laugh at death itself, in Christ - nothing can touch you.

If the worst brings out the best - and it does - then nothing can separate us from the Love Of God in Christ Jesus!

Tomorrow we'll discuss how God gives LIFE to your MORTAL BODY through the Mystery Of Christ - when you use Faith (Give in. Surrender. Look to Him alone.)

Until then, don't try so hard. Just stop running. Fall into God's ocean of Love! Cast aside all your fears and dare to BELIEVE! I'm telling you, IT'S TRUE. Do you think I'm making this stuff up? And you've already experienced it yourself! But you need to "surrender to God", as you did before - with tears of joy.

And when you do, self control is "automatic" as he takes control of your heart and mind with a love that is beyond the ability of words to describe.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Self Control (Part 1)

What's wrong with this statement?

"Ever since I became a Christian, I've been able to control my own behavior."

It's kind of obvious.    When we allow Jesus to be Lord of our life, it's anything BUT that.      We no longer sing "I Did It My Way!" - unless we're giving our testimony regarding the disastrous "trail of tears" we lived before we STOPPED "doing it our way".

So when a Christian says they've been able to "control their own behavior", they simply mean that they have stopped doing the things that they knew were destroying them.    

We don't hear that testimony as often as we'd like to, do we?      Yes.    God has worked mightily to deliver many of us from ourselves and our former self destructive lifestyles.     Yet honest Christians still admit their lives resemble Romans 7 - "I don't do what I want to do, and the things I don't want to do, I do."    

So we need answers and we need them badly.  

The missing element in modern Christianity is how we can experience the victorious living of Romans 8 where "the Law Of The Spirit Of Life in Christ Jesus" sets us free from the "law of sin and death".    You can teach on this until you're blue in the face, and many of us will still be in great need.    We do not know how to experience this IN PRACTICE.

What we don't realize is that the modern church has lost much of the Spiritual (mystical) dimmension.    The Romans 7 experience has it all correct, INTELLECTUALLY.     With your mind you love God.    It's your body and human instincts that are giving you fits!     Notice, too, that Apollos had the teaching concerning Jesus correct.    But he did NOT understand the baptism in the Holy Spirit - the mystical side of our faith was foreign to him.    So, too, with most modern Christians - even tongue speaking Pentacostals.

Ephesians tells us that we have "every spiritual blessing" IN JESUS.    If you read through Ephesians, and just notice all the beautiful things we have "IN HIM", it is tremendous.    

First we must confess that "our thoughts are not His thoughts".     We must also become blind before we can see.   And we must become converted and become like children before we can "see the Kingdom of Heaven".   

It is our fleshly, controlling thoughts - our natural mind - which holds us in bondage.    There is absolutely no way for us to serve God with our natural mind, our pride, and self, in control.  

So HERE IS THE GREAT PARADOX:    For us to have any TRUE "self control", SELF must yield control to the Spirit.    

Does this sound confusing or a little fuzzy?     Let me make it very real.     When a man or woman falls on their knees, weeping before the CROSS OF JESUS - broken by the suffering and death of the one who Loved Them SO - that is when the chains of sin fall off.   

Our "left brain" is our logical mind of "self control".    Our heart, our "right brain", is held in bondage by the tyranny of our "self control".      When that control is broken by the LOVE OF JESUS, then, and only then, is our heart set free from bondage.

So we will discuss this Fruit of The Spirit - "Self Control" - in spiritual (mystical) terms.    We won't talk theory.   We won't talk theology.    Our discussion will be very practical and, therefore, far more helpful than some intellectual study.     If anyone wants to live in Romans 7 - a life of defeat and frustration - all they need to do is refuse to yield control.    We desire better things.

Next we will discuss how Jesus takes us into his "Spiritual Paradise" - making "self control" AUTOMATIC - if we yield to the riches HE desires to give us.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace (Part 4)

We shared, in part 3, about how we must have TRUE PEACE, through Jesus, to minister to others.

Now let me reach YOUR HEART. Let me touch YOU. If you open your heart, and receive all the beauty and joy you can have in Him, you won't be able to handle the people who will flock to you - desiring what you have so badly that they will BEG you to share with them your secret.

Yes. You need the KEY to all happiness.

I love Jesus SO VERY MUCH - since he is the source of blessings SO RICH that you will feel IN LOVE with HIM - so euphoric and swept away with his Love, Joy and Peace that HE will be, for you, as a sweet perfume - a scent of Paradise itself!

We are focussing on the PEACE he gives - and for good reason!
We won't preach at you and tell you what you are doing wrong. We'll give you a very practical description of how you may obtain it.

Dear brother or sister - I love you so much with the Love Of Christ. Please consider putting on worship music that exudes PEACE. I do not wish to teach Your Mind, but Your Heart.

The music of John Michael Talbot or the piano music of Jamie Horton works.

I will paint you pictures. There is a very profound scriptural teaching springing from the Mystery Of Christ. But these pictures, and the music that fills your heart, will let you enter into the Heart Of Jesus. This is what you need! Believe me! God wants your heart even more than your mind.

If you've followed us so far you know that our fleshly controlling minds hold our heart and our spirits in bondage. God will give His Holy Spirit to all who believe. So why are so many Christians bound and unspiritual? They refuse to surrender. Their insecurities and fears prevent them from giving up control! God sees your problem. He wants to help you with that.

Music frees our hearts. When you listen to spiritual, peaceful music, if you are a believer, God will always attempt to shut down that cruel jailkeeper - your carnal mind. He will move right into your heart as soon as you crack open the door even a tiny bit! Soon sweet biblical truths will Come Alive in your heart - not through analytical thought, but in LIVING COLOR in your LIBERATED HEART. That's how your loving Heavenly Father desires to teach you. Yes! Labor to read his precious spiritual Words! But those words need to Come Alive in your Heart so they will do you, and others, real good.

My son and I sat by a pond, in complete solitude, in a woodland park, today. As I sat I let down my guard so God could touch and heal my vulnerable tender heart. The setting sun cast a gentle warm glow on the pond, marshland and woods. Woodland scents entered my mind, triggering rich memories from my youth and childhood. The sound of marshland birds reached in. HE, my dear Lord, used each of these to reach deeper and deeper inside me. Time stood still.

My son sat next to me whittling away on a walking stick. I realized we would both remember these moments forever. He'll not be fifteen ever again. Sure, he interupted my meditations - Thank God! It all blended into one, precious, beautiful moment.

I've never smoked marijuana. I really don't need to. Others have told me that "colors have meaning" - things seem rich. Childhood is chemically restored. All of this damages their minds.

My God is far better and reaching into our deepest heart. What is it that causes a sight, sound, or smell to "mean something"? Infants and toddlers feel that way. Do you remember how a bright red shiny object could be a thing of wonder? As we age, particularly in those rough adolescent years, we lose that. God gives us other gifts.

You must be converted and become like a child to "see the Kingdom of God". Only by shutting down that "know it all" adult controlling mind can your heart come alive.

Come on! Do you really think God wants you hard, cold and unfeeling? Or should the very sight of another human cause your heart to be stirred with compassion?

When the Bride Of Christ ages into a cold, hard, bitter hag - well then God has to unleash pain and suffering and judgment. Those chissels will break through and do the job that sweet prayer and meditation could have accomplished so much more gently.

We have the Promise Of The Father. If we believe he will pour His Holy Spirit into our hearts. But NOT until we drop our pride and give up control of our hearts. I don't care who you are. You need Love!

Most Christians are very unbalanced. They've loaded the shopping cart of their minds - even their refrigerators and freezers - with bible truths. But their hearts have not caught up with their minds. Why go buy it, with your precious time, if you're not going to ENJOY THE FEAST? Isn't that kind of silly.

No wonder Christians stop reading the bible. Everything they've obtained is rotting in the "crisper" (Why do they call it a "crisper" when that's where stuff rots?? lol)

Then we DO OUR DUTY and evangelize (Maybe!). But we're talking ahead of our experience.

You'd be better off drinking that New Wine and exuding such Love, Joy & Peace that you DRAW people to Jesus. Then you'll NEED to share the joy - or you'll just POP if you try holding it in.

WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE TRULY "IN LOVE"? Are all your puppies barking? Don't you know that noone will want a cold, dead religion? Something may be driving you. But if you aren't experiencing the inner Peace that comes from dying to self - people will sense it. Your eyes tell a story, you know.

And we worship things. It may be dead religion. But lack of peaceful meditation will leave you with nothing but materialism - daily stress, anxiety, legal duty, and fears of all sorts.

So we worship a block of wood - the idol our carnal mind has created and named "God". It cannot see, cannot hear, cannot FEEL, and cannot save YOU or ANYONE ELSE.

(My son wrote a song, "Do You See", that brings this out so beautifully)

And we become just like the idol we worship.

The vast majority of those who read this are cheating themselves out of living. God made the sun stand still for Joshua. He can give you a precious window of time. He can stop the clock for you. You can feel as though your day is lasting nearly FOREVER! Wouldn't you love that?

Are you listening to music? If not, why not??
Don't close your heart to your own precious little soul.

In Song Of Solomon 5, the bridegroom is out in the wild night air - with the dew upon Him, knocking for entrance into your life. The bride was in bed. She couldn't be bothered to get up and maybe get some dirt on her pretty little feet. Is that you? Will it cost you $500 just to let Him into your life with prayer, meditation or song?

That didn't work so well for Little Miss Bride. She ended up chasing Him, in vain, through the benighted streets. She got whooped by the "watchmen" (God's Prophets).

How did refusing to get our her cozy little beddy-bye work for HER?
She ended up crying for Him and not finding him. Her feet got plenty "dirty". She was beaten and bruised.

How are things going for you?
As Rich Mullins sang in one of his songs, "How Do You Feel??"
Well GOOD FOR YOU! lol

If you want to "do the work of God", start by letting Jesus INTO YOUR HEART.
Buy OIL for your lamp! It takes a little time and a little effort.

But he's the one wanting to serve you, to delight you, to wash your feet!
Then people will crave what you have.


It's easier than falling out of bed.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace (Part 3)

I was going to move on to Love. But then I realized that I had not dealt with "the tongue". Peace will totally transform our speech. And people will LOVE speaking with you.

Let me take the idea of dying to an extreme. What if I'd ACTUALLY died, physically, in 1973? Yet let's suppose that, somehow, I was able to live on through the life of Jesus. I'd be kinda freaky to talk to, right? Well, if I use faith, that's exactly what it's supposed to be like.

In Mystery, I have tied with Jesus, and now the life that I live should be Jesus living in me! When you're dead, you're relaxed. Self consciousness is, of course, quite gone. But Jesus spoke in very emotional and personal ways with his dear friends and disciples. So Mr. Freaky Friday "Dead Guy" isn't really THAT STRANGE! You will, in fact, be what God made you to be - a far better friend - a far kinder soul to all people.

Here's a picture of what you'll be like. You used to be like a glass with a whole in the bottom. God is pouring His Life into the top of your glass. And it's all going right out the bottom as thoughtless speech. But now, since you HAVE COMPLETE PEACE in the DEATH OF CHRIST, you can listen in complete peace - hearing what someone is saying. And you listen WITH YOUR SPIRIT. You listen WITH YOUR HEART. And the glass doesn't leak. It fills and fills, slowly and steadily, AS YOU TRULY LISTEN. And finally, what God has been pouring into you OVERFLOWS IN LOVING, HEALING SPEACH. Your cup runneth over - with Love!

We close our mouths, and turn on our hearts. Remember that. It works.

Your EYES are different when you are at Peace. The mind of the flesh judges people superficially. It makes people uncomfortable. You have prejudged them. They eye of FAITH doesn't even see what a fool the person you are listening to may be. You actually see what the person WILL BE. You see their Spirit. Thus, when you speak, you can speak into existance those things which ARE NOT and you let God do a NEW THING in your friend's life. Your mind can superficially see the faults in a person. But since you don't FOCUS on what your eye sees - but see with your spiritual eye, the person still feels loved and accepted.

So your EYES truly do speak love and acceptance. The logical mind goes over people like a sheep grazing a pasture - chewin them right down to their roots. We must lack the courage to so abuse our fellow man. You cover their nakedness instead of being cruel and unkind. After all you, too, are also naked before God.

Now, since your heart also hates evil, something else happens. You seperate the sin from the sinner. And if you do speak a word of correction, your blows fall on the sin, not the poor vulnerable soul standing before you. You DE-PERSONALIZE any judgement you give. They may still take it personal. But since you've been listening with your heart, there's a much less chance they will do so. And you won't be lying if you say that you're "not judging them". So you're less judgmental. But you'll be more effective at correcting - actually HEALING - any problem they might have.

Some people just "draw you in". You feel so good when you talk to them. It's not because they are smart. It's not because they always tell you what to do and work hard to fix you. Yet Jesus is able to flow through them and heal your soul - refreshing you in the process. Jesus can not flow through your fleshly mind. He can enliven your mind and your heart. But you must be like your Lord who did not "Judge by what His eye saw or his ear heard". His thoughts were very much at the spiritual level - at the level of the heart. If He could not rely on His own thoughts, but had to rely on His Father for everything, what makes us think we're so smart and know the bible so well that we can turn people inside out like a grapefruit.

It is, after all, confidence that we know the bible, and that we know how to fix people, that makes us intolerable creeps. But if we really DID know the bible, we'd have understood how to hold back from shallow human thinking - even if we're just quoting a scripture - and apply sound biblical teaching concerning humility. Many, maybe even most, who think they're obeying God by quoting scripture at people are living in a way that is the complete opposite of what scripture teaches - bashing people with our bibles.

When we understand Mystery - that people need JESUS, not US - then we have true peace.

Amish are pacifists. Most Mennonites are pacifist. And many I've known are sweet and humble. But they've been known to verbally chew each other up and spit each other out. It's great that we purpose to love our enemies. But if we do not distrust our own minds - and listen and speak from the heart - we do NOT know true peace.

Let's not be like the pacifists of the Vietnam War era who would beat you senseless if you didn't agree that the war was wrong. We know that they were about as Pacifist as Ho Chi Minh. I always did want to get beaten up by a "pacifist". But the last one who threatened me failed to show up! Oh well. I know that's an extreme example. But many Christians don't know true peace, in their hearts, or in the way they treat people. So we're not much different than those violent "pacifists

Let God school you in this. It takes exercise to break those old habits. Until you accept your need to be broken, you will not be able to take even one step down this path. His Love both breaks and captivates our hearts and minds. We are unfit to try to help anyone until we have surrendered and let our lives be flooded with His Love. That process leaves you in a state of Peace - a peace that can be felt by all you know. I pray that you experience the beauty of the song "Peace" on the album "The God Of Life", by John Michael Talbot. It's actually an ancient Irish poem he put to music.


"Bless, Oh Christ, my face!

Let my face now bless everything.

Bless oh Christ my eye.

May all my eye sees be blessed . . . with Peace

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace (part 2)

This one aspect of our faith - True Peace - is enough to cause the poor tortured lost people of this world to come flocking to us.

When people picture Jesus, in their hearts, they picture a man living in an Amazing Peace. And they know that followers of Jesus will be living a life Rich with His Peace. We look at the church in the book of Acts - and even though they had some troubles - they lived out a lifestyle filled with a peace the world knows nothing about. Part of it is that they loved their enemies - and prayed for them. They also had a love for one another that overcame the issues that did pop up.

Our modern church life often fails to exude a Spirit of Peace. Gossip, argument and division are common. Folks love this present age - so they are in anxiety and under stress.

We escape all this when we are released from bondage to our self will and logical minds in the Mystery Of Christ. The simple act of spending 15 minutes or more in prayer and meditation yields an immediate improvement. Your controlling thoughts shut down and you go into that realm of the Spirit where your heart and Spirit are active, and not your mind. It's kind of like when you exercise - you know what I mean. If you spend an hour on a treadmill, your mind shuts down. Aerobic exercise numbs the senses. It's God given. True Spiritual exercise releases you from bondage to your controlling thoughts and lets you go off to that happy place where you and Jesus are one. It's always true, of course. But in prayer and meditation your experience manifests that reality.

Before we examine the results of this, let's point out that these times are personal and can be quite emotive. In other words you are emotionally humbled - and Love fills everything. Meditation that is impersonal - though it may claim to be spiritual - is just a way to resist God. I don't find staring at my own navel that liberating. It's being captivated by Jesus and His Love that makes the difference.

Some of the benefits that increase in our lives include a rich experience of Love toward your brothers and sisters. I can think of nothing more intimate than partaking of the flesh and blood of our Lord - as we "look upon the one whom we have pierced" and "mourn for Him as for a firstborn son". Brokenness, tears, and the joy that follows such "Sweet Surrender" render us very close and affectionate to each other. We might be complete creeps, in the sin stained temperment of our natural minds - but he breaks us. The taller they are the harder they fall. So we show more pity upon those for whom brokenness comes like the blow of a mallet rather than a gentle summer breaze.

We can't fight about doctrine because that's like slicing and dicing the Son Of God. Truth is Mystery. And Jesus is the Truth, in Mystery. So we shan't slice him up like a lab specimen. Nor do we retain the courage to argue, gossip, or even bear one another ill will.

Do you see, now, how Peace - this marvelous Fruit Of The Spirit - bursts forth like a Fountain Of Life in the Mystery Of Christ. God grant that our lives be totally transformed.

And my The Peace Of God - Which Passes All Understanding - Rule Your Hearts And Minds IN CHRIST JESUS.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace (part 1)

When I met the Jesus people, the home I lived in was constantly full of noise.    TVs.   Radios.   But worst of all there was frustration and misery until both my father and I were delivered by The Gospel.

I'd go 20 miles into Kalamazoo, MI - which was a University Town.    I met some "Jesus People" at the Civic Theatre on Good Friday, 1973.    That summer was spent in the park and on campus - being with my college age Christian Mentors and witnessing with folks, there, about Jesus.     As we hung out in the park we'd often be asked, "What are you ON?"      I was HIGH, alright - but not on drugs.
I'll never forget walking into a tiny apt where 4 of the brothers rented a place for $60.    With those kind of expenses alot of time was left for praying, reading the Word, witnessing to others, and mentoring a crazy young high school student like myself.     I'd walk in the door out of the heat and into the cool of the old house - and it was like walking through a portal into Paradise.    Someone might be reading the Word, or praying.     There was almost always someone there for me.

These disciples knew that when Jesus died, we died with Him, too.    There's nothing more peaceful, in one sense, than a dead man.    But I'm very sure that you can feel LIVING PEACE in the resurrection Life of Jesus.    You do realized we are forgiven by His Death, but Saved . . . . HOW? . . . . By His LIFE!
Most of them went back to Detroit and I was "orphaned" in Kalamazoo.   But Jesus stayed with me, there.    I lived in a rented room of a big old mansion house on South Street.    It was just one simple room, but it had a loft.    Yeah.   It was awesome.      I wrote song after song, there - sometimes 3 in one day.     My friends called me the "South Street Psalmist".     But the best part was the time of prayer.    Anyone could drop in and join me in prayer.     But we weren't talking, we were LISTENING.    And we could just FEEL the PEACE OF GOD!    It almost seemed as though, if you listened real close, you could hear a faint, rather musical, tone - as though an energy of some kind filled the quietness.   

Five children and a hectic career as a computer programmer later - I've had peace and prayerfulness along the way.     But I want it in abundance - as I did then.    And I'm getting it in greater abundance - thanks to God's Grace.

This is all in the Mystery Of Christ because our being dead to sin has much to do with being Filled With The Holy Spirit - and not functioning in the Fleshly Mind of Human Reasoning - but in the Spiritual Mind which we only experience in Brokenness at the foot of the Cross.
More on that tomorrow when we do 

The Fruit Of the Spirit In The Mystery of Christ - Peace - part 2